Nick Clark a self-taught painter and digital artist working in Los Angeles. In his work, he is exploring grace in grief, transmutation of the self, free will, his brother’s mental and physical paralysis, and his own conditioning. In practice, he is drawn to photogrammetry and 3D renders translated through fuzzy airbrush marks manipulated by shaky, aging biological hands. The distance between photogrammetry and unwieldy airbrush painting is wide and he enjoys the punishing stretch required to bring the two together. The friction between these opposing stylistic languages leaves space to mull over vulnerability, endurance, cringe, love, and despondence.

Clark is a deeply determined, focused, and compassionate person with a built-in desire to solve complicated visual and engineering problems. He has exhibited work nationally and has collectors across the US and Norway. He has worked for Bemis Center of Contemporary Arts, Joslyn Art Museum, Kent Bellows Studio, and as Art Director and Senior Graphic Designer for education nonprofit Prairie STEM. He is a recipient of the J Laurie Wallace Emerging Artist Award and won “Outstanding Presentation in a Nontraditional Format” for his show “Under the Bridge”. In 2022, he held a dual exhibition “Nerve” (Split Gallery, Omaha), a solo exhibition “Long Way Down” (Sulk Gallery, Chicago), had his work buried at “The Patriot” (O’Flaherty’s Gallery, NYC), exhibited at “Salamander” (Wesleyan, Lincoln), Tchotchke Gallery (NYC), and North Park University (Chicago).

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